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Welcome to
Blissfull Being

Balancing Mind & Body, Live Well, Laugh Often and Thrive Always 
Exploring the 7 Dimensions of Wellness 
for a Balanced and Fulfilling Life

Hi I’m Melbeing, welcome to Blissfull! A world where peace and transformation through the seven dimensions of wellness go hand in hand. Blissfull being is all about finding balance and joy in every moment. Whether you’re here for inspiration, relaxation, or just a friendly chat, I’m thrilled to have you. Go ahead, click around, and make yourself at home! Lets journey together toward achieving overall well-beng and a more blissfull way of living. Remember to join Bliss Blast Express to receive your uplifting news letter and I look forward to speaking with you on a personal level soon. 


Bye for now

Melbeing :)


My Story 


After finishing my degree in Child and Family Studies, life was not easy. Personal challenges kept popping up, making it hard to start a career that I had studied hard for.

But in the middle of the tough times, my interest in my wellbeing and overall wellness became my go to (to thrive in today's world we need to thrive from within in every aspect of life).

I have faced some very tough setbacks, it felt like there were roadblocks every way I turned, I've started turning them into stepping stones towards something that I enjoy doing. When I first started this my goal was to continue being a stay-at-home mum and earn a living through selling products and affiliate marketing, but I soon changed my mind it went against my morals and what my goal was which is to help and support others through my own life experiences and knowledge I have learned over the years.

This journey is not just about finding a balance in my personal life but to continue improving my own wellness while working to support and assist others find their blissFULL life that all of us deserve.

My Mission


As most of you will agree in the whirlwind of modern life, prioritizing our well-being often takes a back seat. Beyond physical health, true wellness involves emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, environmental, and occupational dimensions. (The seven dimensions of wellness).

Embark on a journey with me to explore these dimensions, uncovering solutions for a holistic wellness approach. Influenced by my own life challenges, I understand how life can throw all of us at times some life changing challenges, I bring my own personal experiences that aims not only to continue my own personal growth but also to support others in achieving there's. Through shared knowledge and insights, let's overcome these challenges together and let us achieve what we all deserve and enjoy the

BlissFULL balance of life, and build resilience and mutual support.



Embracing the 7 Dimensions of


wellness for an holistic well-being



Hi there i'm Blissfull :) this is my first of hopefully many blogs to come. I thought I'd start by telling you a little bit about myself (If I told you everything I've already been through in life, its quite unbelievable when wrote down and i am only 44 years young).  However, I do in some ways need to be thankful as it is why I started this journey. I have had so many jobs since leaving school over the years and I've also studied hard, I started a counseling course after a tragedy in my life, I lost my first born child when I was only 25. In my late 30's after having more beautiful rainbow children I decided to go to university.  It took me longer than expected for various reasons but also I discovered I am dyslexic but I finally earned an honors degree in child and family studies. Studying with little ones, juggling family life and everything else was very hard.  When I finally completed my degree life just seemed to keep throwing obstacles and some very tough situations and challenges, that no one should have to go through.  Although I am overcoming them, which is only through strong resilience and understanding the balance and importance of the seven dimensions of wellness, has each dimension really does have an impact on the other.  


I 'd still not found the right job or career that fit with myself and family life.  All I did know was I like people and I enjoy helping and supporting others anyway that I can. If my own life experiences can help others find their path to a Blissful life through understanding the 7 dimensions of wellness then why not embrace my negatives and turn it into a positive and hopefully help me to finally succeed and thrive at something I actually enjoy doing.  I would love you to join me and embrace this journey towards fulfillment and well-being. Please feel free to join my Facebook page or group where I want to create a community that everyone feels safe, wanted and most of all supported. 




Some of you will love the hustle and bustle of life some of you not so much.  Unfortunately, at times we can all live a fast-paced life, and the pursuit of overall well-being has become more critical than ever. Wellness is no longer confined to just physical health it also involves other various factors of our lives. Understanding and nurturing these 7 dimensions can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life or as i like to call it a BlissFULL life. In this blog post, the seven dimensions of wellness are explored and a brief explanation of how each dimension contribute to each other, I intend to do separate blogs focusing on each dimension individually. You can Subscribe now to ear more from me. 




What are the seven dimensions???? 


Let's briefly explore the dimensions together. 

1. Physical Wellness: Physical wellness involves maintaining a healthy body through regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep. Engaging in physical activities not only improves our fitness but also boosts energy levels, enhances mood, and prevents illnesses.  This doesn't mean you need to sign up for the gym, walking is good enough and has so many other benefits. 


2. Emotional Wellness: Emotional wellness revolves around understanding and managing our emotions effectively. This dimension includes self-awareness, self-acceptance, and the ability to cope with life's challenges. Cultivating healthy relationships and practicing stress management techniques contribute to emotional well-being. Has you may imagine this dimension is something I had no choice but to learn and accept, but I could not have got through life without support.   


3. Social Wellness: Social wellness emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining positive relationships with others. It involves effective communication, having a support system, and contributing to the community. Strong social connections have been linked to increased happiness and a sense of belonging.  No one should ever feel alone, lean on friends and family, support groups anyone you feel safe to talk to. 


4. Intellectual Wellness: Intellectual wellness encourages a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and personal growth. It involves stimulating our minds through activities such as learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Engaging in intellectually stimulating pursuits enhances cognitive abilities and keeps the mind sharp.


5. Occupational Wellness: Occupational wellness is achieved by finding satisfaction and fulfillment in our work or chosen activities. It involves pursuing a career that aligns with our values and interests, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and continually seeking professional development.


6. Environmental Wellness: Environmental wellness focuses on our relationship with the world around us. This includes fostering a connection with nature, promoting sustainability, and creating spaces that support our well-being. A healthy environment contributes to overall physical and mental health.


7. Spiritual Wellness: Spiritual wellness goes beyond religious beliefs and encompasses a sense of purpose, meaning, and connection to something greater than ourselves. It involves exploring personal values, practicing mindfulness, and finding inner peace. Cultivating spiritual wellness provides a foundation for navigating life's challenges with resilience.


I do love a little poem :)


In the tapestry of life, woven with care, 🌟

Seven dimensions of wellness, beyond compare.

🌈 A poem unfolds, a journey we take,

To embrace each facet, for our own sake.

Physical wellness, the first in the line, 💪

Exercise and nutrition, a dance so divine. 🍏

In this realm, our bodies find strength,

A harmony of movement, a journey of length.

Emotional wellness, the heart's gentle beat, 💓

Navigating feelings, both bitter and sweet.

😊 Awareness and balance, the key to the heart,

In this dimension, we find a brand new start.

Intellectual wellness, a curious mind, 📚

A quest for knowledge, a path well-defined.

🧠 Learning and growing, expanding the mind,

In this realm, wisdom we find.

Social wellness, connections so dear, 🤝 A

network of love, dispelling all fear. 💞

Community and friendship, a circle so wide,

In this dimension, our hearts do abide.

Occupational wellness, a passion's embrace, 🔥

A fulfilling vocation, a purposeful space.

💼 A career that ignites, a flame burning bright,

In this realm, our dreams take flight.

Spiritual wellness, a quest for the soul, 🌌

A journey inward, making ourselves whole. 🙏

Seeking purpose and meaning, a divine connection,

In this dimension, we find introspection.

Environmental wellness, the world we reside, 🌍

A balance with nature, where ecosystems collide.

🌱 Respecting the earth, a duty we bear, In this realm,

compassion we share.

Seven dimensions entwined, a holistic view, 🔄

In this symphony of wellness, we renew. 🎶

A journey of balance, a dance to the end,

In these dimensions, a life well-penned. ✍️


By embracing the seven dimensions of wellness it offers an holistic approach to leading a more fulfilling and balanced life. By recognizing the interconnections of these dimensions, we can create a personalized wellness plan that addresses our unique needs and aspirations. Striving for well-being in each dimension not only enhances our overall quality of life but also fosters a sense of harmony and vitality. Let's embark on this journey to well-being together, nurturing ourselves in mind, body, and spirit.


I would love you to share your health goals! you can subscribe or feel free to contact me 

Thank you for joining me on this journey to a healthier me and you. Signup and stay tuned for more blogs to help you feel good inside and out.

Take care!

From Blissfull :)