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Welcome to
Blissfull Being

Balancing Mind & Body, Live Well, Laugh Often and Thrive Always 
Exploring the 7 Dimensions of Wellness 
for a Balanced and Fulfilling Life

Hi I’m Melbeing, welcome to Blissfull! A world where peace and transformation through the seven dimensions of wellness go hand in hand. Blissfull being is all about finding balance and joy in every moment. Whether you’re here for inspiration, relaxation, or just a friendly chat, I’m thrilled to have you. Go ahead, click around, and make yourself at home! Lets journey together toward achieving overall well-beng and a more blissfull way of living. Remember to join Bliss Blast Express to receive your uplifting news letter and I look forward to speaking with you on a personal level soon. 


Bye for now

Melbeing :)


My Story 


After finishing my degree in Child and Family Studies, life was not easy. Personal challenges kept popping up, making it hard to start a career that I had studied hard for.

But in the middle of the tough times, my interest in my wellbeing and overall wellness became my go to (to thrive in today's world we need to thrive from within in every aspect of life).

I have faced some very tough setbacks, it felt like there were roadblocks every way I turned, I've started turning them into stepping stones towards something that I enjoy doing. When I first started this my goal was to continue being a stay-at-home mum and earn a living through selling products and affiliate marketing, but I soon changed my mind it went against my morals and what my goal was which is to help and support others through my own life experiences and knowledge I have learned over the years.

This journey is not just about finding a balance in my personal life but to continue improving my own wellness while working to support and assist others find their blissFULL life that all of us deserve.

My Mission


As most of you will agree in the whirlwind of modern life, prioritizing our well-being often takes a back seat. Beyond physical health, true wellness involves emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, environmental, and occupational dimensions. (The seven dimensions of wellness).

Embark on a journey with me to explore these dimensions, uncovering solutions for a holistic wellness approach. Influenced by my own life challenges, I understand how life can throw all of us at times some life changing challenges, I bring my own personal experiences that aims not only to continue my own personal growth but also to support others in achieving there's. Through shared knowledge and insights, let's overcome these challenges together and let us achieve what we all deserve and enjoy the

BlissFULL balance of life, and build resilience and mutual support.



Embarking on the Journey to

Physical Wellness, 

A Guide to improved Health,

Happiness, and Harmony 



Elevating our Physical Wellness and Unleashing Our Full Potential with Consistent Workouts and Nourishing Nutrition!


Hi :) I wanted to discuss physical wellness with you because it's all about keeping our bodies in tip-top shape! We're talking heart health, muscle strength, staying flexible, and feeling good in your own skin. Trust me, it's the key for a life that's full of energy and joy. Ready to dive into the awesome perks of staying physically fit and how we can achieve this dimension?



Fitness, moving our Bodies:                                                                                     


Achieving Physical well-being is not all about going straight out and signing up for a gym membership, unless you want to that is. It can also be achieved by starting gradual and just be more active in daily activities such as walking, maybe dance around the house, you could lift weights or do yoga at home if thats what you prefer. There are many ways you can achieve physical wellness. I personally really enjoy walking and dancing has both of these give me time to think in my own little world while minding my own business, yoga is also really good for my mental well-being.  When I realised my physical health was not at its best I felt this in other areas such as my emotional wellness was on a serious decline. So I decided to make a change I started by walking  my youngest to school. Why don't you try it with your child/children on the school run and take a slightly longer route back home.  Or you could try to park your car a little further away from school (I've also done this as my little one gets his park and stride sticker from school). If you do not have children you could park your car further away from work and use the stairs instead of the lift/elevator. Although this will get you more active it will not tone those parts many of us get as we get older (i'll just say bingo) and if like me you don't particularly like going to the gym or attending classes, I have found something to help get you started at home as there is many options out there, if you want to lose weight the fast way there are weight loss supplements in my Explore page and to improve your overall physical health the Lasta Fitness App aim is to approach wellness holistically. Common health goals, like weight loss or improved fitness, usually only become sustainable when we address gaps in our awareness, emotional health, and skill sets. They work closely with qualified psychologists to develop supporting tools based in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) tools that can help you transform your wellbeing inside and out.  The Lasta app has positive reviews on trust pilot, with customers expressing their satisfaction with their experience. Verified customers also praise the App for helpful reminders and its effectiveness in improving health and wellness. You can track your water intake, weight, fasting, step count and mood. If you already have the App, I would love to ear your feedback.  If you don’t already have it yet you can follow the link -Lasta app and please keep me informed of your success.




Physical well-being isn’t just good for your body – it also makes you feel happier!


By being more active daily it doesn’t just manage our weight there are lots of other benefits these are a few of them. It will help improve your mental health, it enhances our sleep 😊 I always feel great after a good night’s sleep, it increase's our energy levels, Increase’s our lifespan, it also has social benefits, and it helps to reduce stress.

Nutrition and health, Eating Right:

Eating healthy food does help your body work its best. You can also try supplements and nutrients to support your health. Eating well is like giving your body the right tools to stay strong. Although this is all well and good and it is also sometimes easier said than done as I’m sure many of you will agree with me. In the explore section I've included products I feel could help you in achieving your goal.   

Keeping Your Mind Happy:

This is where my passion really lye’s as taking care of our mind is just as important as taking care of our body, if we are not happy in ourselves how can we expect others to be happy who we spend time with the most such as our partner, work colleagues, friends, family but most of all our children and a happy mummy equals very happy little people.  There are many apps and products/supplements out there that can help you relax, manage stress and improve your sleep (I love a good night's sleep) When we achieve and find the balance in all levels of the seven dimensions and our mind feels good, our whole body feels good to!

Making Healthy Habits Stick:

Getting healthier does not need to be about big changes all at once. Start with something small, like taking a short walk every day and increase it when your ready. To keep track of your fitness you can use a fitness watch (you don't need to spend a fortune and they really do get you moving to keep those steps up), A fitness watch can be costly but there are cheaper options out there that do the same job follow the link Fitness watch and find the right one for you as for most of us, it will only be to track our steps, heart rate and maybe on  those certain days blood pressure. 

Harmony in Motion: A Poetic Ode to Physical Wellness

In the temple of the body, 🏛️ a sacred space,
A symphony of movement, 🎶 a vibrant embrace.
Physical wellness, 💪 a dance of grace,
In every heartbeat, a healthy trace. ❤️

Feel the rhythm of muscles, 💪 strong and defined,
A celebration of strength, 💪 a body refined.
In the sanctuary of wellness, let motion unfold,
A story of vitality, beautifully told. 🌟


Lift the weights of determination high, 🏋️‍♂️
A commitment to health, reaching for the sky. ☁️
Cardio beats like a rhythmic drum, 🥁
A dance with wellness, a victory won. 🎉


Nourish the body with fruits and greens, 🍏🥦
A palette of colours, fit for kings and queens. 👑
Hydrate the temple, a life-giving stream, 💧
In the pursuit of wellness, let health be the theme. 🌱


Breathe in the freshness of the morning air, 🌅
Yoga poses, a mindful affair. 🧘
Flexibility, a dance with time, ⏳
In the journey of wellness, a paradigm. 🌈


Rest like a river winding its way, 🛌
Rejuvenate the body, night and day. 🌙
Sleep, a healer in the silent night, 💤


Physical wellness, a dream taking flight. ✈️

For in the vessel of flesh and bone, 💀
A symphony of wellness, beautifully known. 🎶
Physical harmony, a melody so sweet, 🎵
In the dance of wellness, may your journey repeat. 🔄



Its important to remember feeling our best doesn't just happen overnight. Enjoy moving, eat good food, and take care of your mind a little bit every day. You will be on your way to feeling great in no time! I hope you find useful products to help you with your journey. in my Explore  page or My Shopify Store.  This post does contain links that might earn me a commission if you buy something. It won't cost you extra, but it helps me keep giving you helpful info.


I would love you to share your health goals with me! you can subscribe for more tips on staying healthy and feeling good or you can join my facebok group or page where i wanted to create a community where everyone feels safe, wanted and supported.


Thank you for joining me on this journey to a healthier us. I hope you subscribe or follow the facebook links and stay tuned for more information to help you and me feel fantastic inside and out.

Take care!

From Blissfull :)